Another fall television season has arrived, bringing with it the usual assortment of new series and returning favorites. But this particular fall season kicked off with a dramatic plot twist:…
The world is facing an unprecedented set of circumstances brought on by the outbreak of COVID-19. Questions about the impact to healthcare delivery, the economy, to social norms and to life as we know it are outnumbering clear answers at this me. To replace at least some of the speculation and assumption with objective data, Civis is launching an ongoing survey of Americans across the country and tracking consumers’ changing attitudes and behaviors as this crisis evolves.
In order to track how opinions and behaviors change over me, Civis will be fielding recurring research — starting with an initial benchmark set of questions. If you have questions about the research or want to request further analyses, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page.
The most recent survey data was collected between 8/21 and 8/24, 2020 and includes approx. 2,000 responses from U.S. adults age 18+ each week. Results have been weighted to be representative of the U.S. population.
Applied Data Science Lead Jonathan Williams shares his take on the key themes of the data every month. He looks at how opinions and behaviors among certain demographics have shifted as quarantine periods lengthen, case counts increase, and unemployment worsens.
Week of August 21: Toplines
Beginning 6/12, Civis has asked a series of weekly questions about support for Black Lives Matter, and understanding of/attitudes towards police reform. Below you can find combined cross-tabs from the first two weeks of data, as well as new 6/26 data that focuses on actions supporting Black Lives Matter — and what motivated those actions.
Do you have questions about this research? Would you like to talk with us about how we can drill down and find more detailed insights that are specific to your business or to your local markets?